Paperwork in order
Capacity planning and a good working atmosphere are issues that require constant attention. This is certainly true in healthcare, where even more than in the regular world of business, you have to be able to trust each other and depend on each other. Is your practice growing and do you need more people to cope with the work? Then you are faced with a difficult choice: do you attract a permanent employee or do you opt for cooperation or another flexible solution? We will be happy to explain the advantages and disadvantages and support you in drafting a good employment contract that meets the legal requirements. Of course, we will also check whether the terms of employment are transparent and attractive.
Once you have employed staff, there is a lot of paperwork to be done. You may well be faced with unexpected situations. How, for instance, do you deal with employees who have to carry too big a workload? What do you have to do as an employer if your employee becomes ill or even disabled? What are your rights and obligations in labour conflicts and what about dismissal law? What do the laws and regulations say about sabbaticals and maternity, care or study leave? We are happy to support you in these often complex issues.